“My hope is that these ideas might help you in practical ways
that improve the enjoyment of your life!”
~ Kelvin Chin
In addition to teaching Meditation that expands our mind and balances our body experientially, I have written these essays to help increase our understanding of life. By expanding our knowledge of ourselves (“Know Thyself”) both through direct experience and understanding, we can lead happier, more productive, and enjoyable lives within ourselves and with our loved ones.
I hope these essays will give you ‘food for thought,’ and help nurture your own thinking on the various topics and issues discussed. My sincere desire is that we each will formulate and come to our own conclusions — not by following what others tell us — but by exploring our own experiences and interpretations, and figuring out what works for each of us — as individual free-thinking minds.
NOTE on Beliefs: I speak about many topics from a spiritual perspective, to share ideas and insights that may help us to understand issues more clearly. I am not coming from any particular religious viewpoint or a belief-centered place. So, you should feel comfortable continuing to believe or worship (or not) in whatever way suits you. ~ Kelvin Chin
Read this if you are seeking a good meditation teacher, or
if you are a meditation teacher who wants to teach more effectively…
How does the Buddhist view of suffering affect our pursuit of happiness?
What was Jesus’s view on love, suffering and happiness?
What is true “giving”?
When can “giving” become “taking”?
What about our teaching to “give back?”
Is it the turkey? The stuffing and pecan pie?
Is it the family get together? Like the Pilgrims?
Is it tolerating the crazy uncle?
Could it be something else?
What is love?
What does it mean to be unconditional?
Does “unconditional” love make sense?
As compared to what?
Materialism is usually talked about in the context of money, owning things, amassing wealth. Let’s look at how it is equally present in the world of spirituality...
What are some key “red flags” to watch out for when searching for a spiritual teaching?
Can you be into sex AND be spiritual?
What limits us from being sexual and spiritual beings?
Is it possible to be both?...
What does the Art of Boxing teach us about living life? or, Getting comfortable with OBE’s, NDE’s, and death itself...?
Let’s say there is an important conversation between an NFL coach and a key player...that becomes the main topic of all the ESPN sports TV shows...But none of those analysts or talk show hosts were there...
Do you believe in Past Lives? How does it affect losing a loved one in this present life?
Have you ever had the experience with a close friend where you haven’t seen them in a long time — maybe even many years — and yet when you get together with them,
it’s as if "no time has passed"?...
Let’s look at this idea of “Enlightenment” that has been tossed around for 10,000 years on Earth. Let’s dissect it. Let’s understand it more clearly...
Let’s assume God exists. Let’s also assume — as believers believe — that He (She or It) is omniscient and is all loving...
What if you can make choices before you are born? To sort of plan out your life before you actually live it.
Does that mean that is your “destiny”?
Have you ever wondered if it’s possible?
Planting the seeds for a more peaceful world...
Why do spiritual teachers preach non-dualism? Why do they continually seek out and need to justify theories of “oneness” with — the universe, God, the absolute, or other ideas? Why do they warn us to not be “confused” by dualism? Why do they fear dualism?...
Thinking that God does everything for you — provides you with miracles, justice and forgiveness, with wins and successes, with riches whether material or spiritual...Is this helpful thinking? Does it make you feel good? Where does it come from?...
What should you watch out for when choosing a spiritual teacher?....
Why don’t more people remember their past lives? Is it because remembering them would interfere with their “present-day life”?...
There seems to be an underlying fear, and insecurity — that if we cannot predict everything, then we feel like we are “out of control.” And that makes us feel very uncomfortable at our core...
Jesus was a great teacher. But not in the usual ways people think of him. He taught without telling people what to do. He taught by his example and by his friendship...
How many times have you heard that phrase?
Let’s look at this more closely...
Where does Happiness come from? Is it from the feeling of success...or from winning? What happens when we try to help others but it just doesn't work out?
Everyone asks: “What is the Meaning of (my) life?”
Let’s explore this together...
Kelvin’s valedictory speech when he was 18 years old...