is qualified as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization by the IRS

Our Mission


to help people understand their spiritual development in a non-religious way, that embraces all religions and cultures worldwide

To help people worldwide to overcome their fear of death


To help people worldwide learn how to “Turn Within” — reduce stress and anxiety, and live more productive, enjoyable lives

Our nonprofit not only embraces all religions and cultures in the world, but also all beliefs about humanity and its place in the universe. Our objective is to clarify thinking about universal spiritual issues and concerns — that affect all of us —  
to help reduce suffering in the world.

Clients From Over 60 Countries Worldwide

About Kelvin H. Chin

His Personal Story...

Kelvin Chin has been helping people navigate their lives more easily and smoothly for 50 years. Throughout his life, he has focused on empowering others, often teaching them techniques and new ways of thinking, helping them to be more self-sufficient and effective.

At age 19, Kelvin learned to meditate as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Three years later, Maharishi taught Kelvin how to teach it in an effortless, easy-to-learn way. In his mid-20’s, Kelvin began to remember ancient personal memories from many centuries ago. During his subsequent corporate and legal careers, these memories unfolded more and more. In addition, for several decades, he has had many experiences with the “other side of the veil,” so that now his connection between this physical side and the more non-physical side is normal and natural, not unusual or extraordinary.

Kelvin taught meditation for ten years after graduate school, including at West Point Military Academy and in the U.S. Army in Korea and on the DMZ. His students included people of all ages and walks of life, including members of the clergy of every religion, and even Buddhist monks. Kelvin was a test subject in the first medical studies in the U.S. done on meditation when he was a teenager. After graduating from college, graduate and law school, he had a several decade career in business and law. During that time, he continued to help others by teaching them to meditate, and when needed, how to overcome their fear of death. Helping others with death and dying issues, along with his unique approach to the grieving process is something he has offered since his mother’s untimely death in 1982.

Now, his teaching of “Turning Within” Meditation, his Overcoming the Fear of Death work, and his Afterlife program is his full-time focus.

Kelvin was born and raised in Boston, has lived throughout the U.S., as well as 6 countries in Europe and Asia. He currently resides in Los Angeles near his two beautiful, talented children. He teaches worldwide (over 60 countries) both via videoconference and in-person. More about Kelvin in his bio.

So...what is Unique about working with Kelvin?

He draws from having that deep inner connection within himself, as well as his wide range of experiences in business — from working on legal disputes for Fortune 500 companies’ CEOs and general counsel, to barking dog noise mediations among upset neighbors. Most people who have had that wide range of personal inner spiritual experiences do not have the same breadth and depth of grounded business experience, especially not with such a breadth of cultural and socioeconomic diversity. And most people who are steeped in business do not have deep inner personal spiritual experiences that span the physical and non-physical realms.

Kelvin has both — decades of grounded, rational business experience along with decades of esoteric, inner self-exploration.

So, he has the ability to

What does this mean FOR YOU?

This means Kelvin can share with you and draw from experiences that speak to and can clarify many levels of issues and problems you may be facing in your life — from the very abstract to the very concrete. Sometimes issues that you may not even be aware of. 

And this means Kelvin can explain this to you in a way that is easily understandable

Said another way, he can help you get “from Point A to Point B.” That is what a good teacher can do. Look — lots of people can describe where you may WANT TO BE (Point B), but few teachers can get you from WHERE YOU ARE (Point A) to Point B.

That is what Kelvin does with his students — gets them from Point A to Point B

For example...

Let’s say you have what seems to be a simple personal or business problem, but you don’t realize that you have an underlying fear that is preventing you from moving forward. Kelvin can help you uncover that hidden cause of your inability to move forward.

Alternatively, let’s say you have had a very unusual experience in your dreams while you were sleeping — it is inexplicable but it was very clearly something you experienced and has strongly impacted you (perhaps about yourself or a dead loved one) — but you don’t want to share it with anyone because you are worried that others will think you are crazy or just plain weird. Kelvin can help you unbundle it and give you perspectives on how to look at it, so you can move forward productively —  perhaps even gaining more insights and self-knowledge from it.

A Sports Analogy...

Kelvin helps people understand their life challenges through their individual belief systems, and helps them find their own solutions. His past life memories reach back many centuries, and he accesses those memories in his teaching and his coaching in the same way all coaches draw on their own available experiences for perspective and effective analogies. Kelvin’s rational, business experience this lifetime is also similarly brought to the table to effectively explain these insights in an easily understandable, usable way.

His work is accomplished through three nonprofit foundations —, Overcoming the Fear of Death Foundation and Turning Within Meditation Foundation.

Please see below for summary descriptions of those nonprofit foundations, and for links to their websites.

Subscribe to Kelvin’s YouTube channel 



Afterlife Series

CLICK to Register for next Afterlife series or watch the Preview videos


Kelvin teaches a 6-part Afterlife series regularly throughout the year.
It covers all topics on the Afterlife
including what happens after we die, NDE’s, reincarnation, Hell/karma/dharma/sin, After-Death Communications,
soul plans, what continues, Eternity, and more.
Each session is on six alternate Sundays for 2 hours each class. They are all taught Live on Zoom.

Kelvin’s Books


Click on the above image to go to Kelvin’s book page on Amazon.


2023 Book !!


Available in paperback, e-book and audiobook on Amazon worldwide


What happens after we die?
Do we ever become human again?
In a different body? In a different culture?

“Kelvin’s calm, empirical, and even skeptical approach to spiritual matters has always impressed me. And in his new book he shares with us memories of dozens of lifetimes using that same rational approach. More importantly, he shares how knowing these past lives makes a difference in the here and now. The stories are entertaining. And you will come away with a better understanding of who you are as more than just the role you are playing in this one lifetime.”

— Brian D. Smith

“Fascinating account taking you on a rollercoaster of emotions. This is the 3rd book I have read by this author and it did not disappoint. It offers a very thought provoking account of past lives and you don’t have to necessarily be a ‘believer’.
A fascinating book taking you on a rollercoaster of emotions and a real eye opener.”

— Gemma Wynne, United Kingdom 🇬🇧

After the Afterlife:
Memories of My Past Lives

After the Afterlife: Memories of My Past Lives explores what happens after we die, and also what happens after we leave the Other Side to become human once again. It gives possible clues about Why, What and How we could continue after we die.

Kelvin H. Chin’s memories reach back 6,000 years. In his 20’s, back when he often teased others for their interest in reincarnation, Chin spontaneously started remembering events from his own past lives. Decades later, his memories now span two dozen lifetimes — from ancient Sumeria, Egypt, Judea and Rome to Asia, 18th century Europe, and 19th and 20th century America.

The details of Chin’s memories provide a window into the development of his own personality traits, and those of some well-known historical characters. Studying those traits as they developed reveals similarities in behavioral and emotional patterns that could help you understand your own personality better too, while also providing a more comprehensive vision of our place in the universe. 

Kelvin’s memories will take you along on his personal journey
through recorded history,
shedding new light on many well-known events. 

“This book is a brilliant recollection of lives lived in the past.
It will make you think and possibly even trigger those memories that are stored within your own subconscious.
That’s what it did for me!”

— Annmarie Martin

Special Worldwide Events
on the 30th of each month

“Live” Q&A
held monthly
Led by Kelvin Chin
on topics from
“Taking Back What They Told Us: Jehovah and Shankara’s Recent Conclusions About the Last 10,000 Years of Our History”

Kelvin Chin, Life After Life Expert, leads special monthly Q&A sessions on topics from the 30th November talk that was delivered by George Hammond on 30th November 2014 in Alexandria, Virginia. CLICK HERE for the 2022-2023 schedule of monthly sessions on Zoom. Sessions are free.

That 2014 talk was based on information received from the spiritual leaders who started the Judeo-Christian-Islamic-Vedic traditions on Earth about 7-10,000 years ago. Everyone is encouraged to watch the original 30th November talk before joining the monthly Q&A sessions led by Kelvin.

Kelvin organized the 2014 event in Virginia and discusses it on several videos on his YouTube channel, @KelvinChinTurningWithin.

Classes are taught via “live” videoconference & phone
60 countries…

Click on photo to read full interview with Kate Beckinsale on the Today Show.

Click on photo to read full interview with Kate Beckinsale on the Today Show.

“The meditating thing is something I resisted for decades. It used to irritate me when people used to say, ‘you should do that.’ Actually, I’ve found it completely transformative. As a culture, we’ve become not used to taking a still pause. It’s so good for you. I’m blown away by how helpful it’s been.

Kelvin has been an invaluable part of my support system. I meditate with him regularly wherever I am working in the world. Kelvin is a kind and caring teacher, and a wonderful human being.”
— Kate Beckinsale, actress, Los Angeles

Learn to Meditate Effortlessly
by “Turning Within”

The Benefits of Meditation...








Explore our website and Contact us for a Free Phone Consultation.

Overcoming the Fear of Death Foundation


Our objective is to help all people — no matter what their beliefs are — to reduce or eliminate their fear of death. So they can free up otherwise wasted energy to be refocused and better used in enjoying one’s daily life. To live life more fully now in the present.

Explore our website and Contact us for a Free Phone Consultation.

A Dream Visitation?

This text is from one of Kelvin’s clients, Joseph Flynn.

Joe was reading a section in Kelvin’s book about his dad in WWII. 
(See “Overcoming the Fear of Death,” p. 74)

“So, i read this section of your book last night. And the amazing thing is what happened in the middle of the night. I 'dreamed' that i was in a bomber during WW2. I was flying this plane over the ocean with a crew. One of the crew was a young Asian man. He came from the back of the plane to check in as to how things were going.  He wanted to make sure the engines were running properly and the fluids were all at the right levels. I told him everything was good. And then he asked, “I thought you were afraid of dying?” I was surprised and responded, “How did you know that? Only 6 people in the world know that. And the last one just found out a few weeks ago.” He smiled with a big grin from ear to ear and said, “You mean Kelvin? That’s my son!”

I was, for some reason, not shocked. So this man and i talked for a long while longer, as we flew towards our destination, eating sushi and sharing stories like old friends. 

When i woke up. I was happy. Joyful. At peace.” — Joseph Flynn, Illinois

PS: When Kelvin showed him a pic of his dad, he said, “Hello! That’s the guy i saw in my dream. I kid you not.”

B-29 Superfortress bomber, World War II, Pacific theatre

B-29 Superfortress bomber, World War II, Pacific theatre

Lt. Henry W.F. Chin, U.S. Army Air Corps, 1942

Lt. Henry W.F. Chin, U.S. Army Air Corps, 1942

CLICK Photo to see more…

CLICK Photo to see more…

about our founder...

Kelvin is a spiritual teacher. Drawing on his own personal experience in each area, he has helped thousands of people worldwide with the full range of spiritual issues that anyone could have — death and dying, pre-birth, past lives, fears about afterlife, NDEs, OBEs, lucid dreaming — so each person can live more fully now. For over 40 years, Kelvin has also been teaching a technique of “Turning Within” that reduces stress & anxiety on a neurophysiological level and expands the conscious capacity of the mind — in order to help people live more productive, stress-free enjoyable lives.


Please consider donating to help us offer our services worldwide to people of all cultures, religions, and economic means.
Your thoughtfulness and generosity is greatly appreciated !

Please note that you may choose to make a monthly donation of any amount
(you will see a box to check-off)
or a one-time donation by clicking on the below
“Donate” button…
(Contact us if you would prefer to mail a check)

Otherwise, you may use the Drop-down menu below


THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW is qualified as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization by the IRS. is nonreligious and embraces all beliefs.
Donations to the nonprofit are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Do you have a
matching gift program at work, or do you know of grants we could apply for? 

“Organizations that fully embrace transparency—the heart of our Exchange program—can share data about their organization’s impact to earn the Platinum level. The Platinum level of participation is GuideStar’s highest distinction, earning the most benefits and recognition. Of course, it’s also the hardest level to achieve which is why those numbers are in the 700’s. Your organization, ‘,’ is among the elite few to reach that distinction—Congratulations!”
— Guidestar Nonprofit Directory, Guidestar USA

3 Nonprofit Organizations for Global Work

Kelvin Chin has 3 nonprofit organizations through which he does his global work.
You can easily navigate among the 3 websites by clicking on the hot links at the bottom of any website page
which will take you to the other 2 nonprofit websites...