Please Help Us Help Others
Please consider donating to help us to continue offering our services worldwide to people of all cultures, religions, and economic means.
As a nonprofit,
the success of our work in accomplishing the goals of our Mission depends on donors like you...
Your thoughtfulness and generosity is greatly appreciated !
Kelvin Chin
Executive Director
Donations to the nonprofit are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Clients in over 60 countries so far!
Please note that you may choose to make a monthly donation of any amount
(you will see a box to check-off)
or a one-time donation by clicking on the below “Donate” button…
(Contact us if you would prefer to mail a check)
Otherwise, you may use the Drop-down menu with donation levels below is qualified as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization by the IRS. is nonreligious and embraces the beliefs of all people.
Donations to the nonprofit are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Do you have a “matching gift program” at work or do you know of grants we could apply for?