“My hope is that the ideas I discuss might help you in practical ways
that improve the enjoyment of your life!
These ideas are all non-religious.
While I may talk of Jesus and other spiritual teachers,
I am speaking from my memory about these personalities,
not from a position to change anyone’s beliefs.”
~ Kelvin Chin
In addition to teaching Meditation that expands our mind and balances our body experientially, I speak about topics to help increase our understanding of life. By expanding our knowledge of ourselves (“Know Thyself”) both through direct experience and understanding, we can lead happier, more productive, and enjoyable lives within ourselves and with our loved ones.
I hope the ideas I discuss will give you ‘food for thought,’ and help nurture your own thinking on the various topics and issues discussed. My sincere desire is that we each will formulate and come to our own conclusions — not by following what others tell us — but by exploring our own experiences and interpretations, and figuring out what works for each of us — as individual free-thinking minds.
NOTE on Beliefs: I speak about many topics from a spiritual perspective, to share ideas and insights that may help us to understand issues more clearly. I am not coming from any particular religious viewpoint or a belief-centered place. So, you should feel comfortable continuing to believe or worship (or not) in whatever way suits you. ~ Kelvin Chin
““Hey Kelvin, I love listening to you, you’re an inspiration, I’ve had alot of terrible things to overcome in life, but I have. I call them all experiences, I’ve had a few spiritual experiences, I’m at peace with both.
Love life and living.””
Subscribe to Kelvin’s YouTube channel for More Videos

Kelvin Chin discussing the teachings of Jesus, John the Baptist, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and others based on Kelvin’s memories and personal experiences in this life and his past lives.
Near-Death Experiences (NDE’s) - what are they? what are the “classic” traits of an NDE? often they are very pleasant, but what if they are uncomfortable and difficult to live with afterwards? HOW TO deal with that, AND MORE…
Kelvin Chin, J.D. will be presenting throughout the entire IANDS 2019 Conference.
August 29 to September 1, 2019
Kelvin will be the Featured Speaker on opening night August 29, 2019 at 7:30 PM
~ a new approach to Cruelty & Bullying,
with practical “tips” on how to deal with it,
including Real Life examples
Kelvin Chin has had memories from over 20 past lives that go back many centuries…he describes one from 1100 A.D. that surfaced in 1978…And, how to distinguish from “creative imagination”…
Kelvin Chin discusses his personal experience with reincarnation and why he has chosen to come back in various lifetimes…
Kelvin discusses past lives and how remembering them may help in finding strong connections this lifetime with others, and how that relates to what some call “soulmates”…
a 3-minute video of Kelvin Chin describing his memories of teaching with Jesus 2,000 years ago…
a 5-minute video of Kelvin Chin describing his memories of teaching with Jesus & Paul 2,000 years ago…
a 14-minute video of Kelvin Chin describing his memories of teaching with Jesus & Paul 2,000 years ago…
a 5-minute video of Kelvin Chin describing his memories of teaching with Jesus 2,000 years ago…
a 2-minute video of Kelvin Chin describing his memories of teaching with Jesus 2,000 years ago…
an 8-minute video of Kelvin Chin describing his memories of teaching with Jesus 2,000 years ago…
Eternity ~ Reincarnation ~ Soul Contracts...
““I just watched Kelvin’s interview on the Jenerosity Show (Feb. 2019) and was reminded again about understanding where generosity comes from as it flows out of our life and touches others.... As you watch this interview, take note of his “emotional flooding” when he talks about a “dream” that set him on this journey, and you’ll see just how in touch he is with his own inner-self.””
Robert Wagener, M.A., M.Div.
“I just watched Kelvin’s interview on the Jenerosity Show (Feb. 2019) and was reminded again about understanding where generosity comes from as it flows out of our life and touches others. I have known Kelvin for many years, when we facilitated the learning experience together on topics of dispute resolution decades ago. As you watch this interview, take note of his “emotional flooding” when he talks about a “dream” that set him on this journey, and you’ll see just how in touch he is with his own inner-self. As a chaplain and counselor, I have worked with many individuals who are so “blocked” that when an experience like this happens the first words out of their mouth are ... “Oh, it’s nothing.” Over the last 10 years I have been focused on working in the field of Equine Assisted Learning. When you are in the presence of a horse you realize that the only way that they have to communicate their feelings is through their body language and behavior. It is not driven by manipulation, but by a genuine desire to communicate from one sentient being to another. Kelvin, you modeled beautifully how to let those vital feelings move through your being. It is through your silence and patience that you communicate to those of us watching what a fully-human-being does when she or he comes into the place of mystery and the sacred space we call the “holy.” Generosity is our response to the vitality which we all possess. In those moments it is the Christ in me that recognizes the Christ in you.
“Thank you for being open about these experiences and you remind us all that seminal moments like the ones you describe are helping us to move forward into becoming more loving human beings connected to every other living thing on this speck of dust we call home.”
Rev. Robert J. Wagener, M.A., M.Div
Chaplain and Counselor