~ ONGOING Through 2025 ~
NEXT 6-part Series & in-depth discussion
on May 25, 2025
“Live” Zoom Series
“Afterlife & Reincarnation Experiences”
This is the 7th year Kelvin is teaching this 6-part series
based on his personal experiences with the Afterlife
and his past lives that reach back 6,000 years.
“I highly recommend this class from Kelvin. Kelvin offers an in-depth explanation of the afterlife & reincarnation. This class is not just typical textbook information but first-hand experiences & knowledge that Kelvin has gained over the many years of his past lives & journeys. In this class, I came away with a better understanding, a broadened perspective of what reincarnation & the afterlife is. I felt privileged to be able to take this class from a true disciple of enlightenment & that is exactly what Kelvin is - a disciple of enlightenment.”
~ Shelly Price Thelen, USA
“I feel fortunate to have taken part in the series. Kelvin is an extremely intelligent, articulate, and very approachable individual, one who values everyone he meets. He has introduced me to a broader understanding of death and dying, and I can honestly say that my views have expanded.
I encourage others to participate in these sessions, to bring open minds and hearts, and above all, to share with Kelvin and others their own stories. Thank you, Kelvin!”
~ Mary Pazniokas, USA
“Kel's ‘live’ video series was one of the best I've done. It was so detailed and informative and it was so refreshing that the listeners were able to participate in the calls to ask questions or share their own stories. I really resonate with Kel for his pragmatic and down-to-earth personality and I highly recommend anyone that is interested in topics related to the afterlife join this conference.
It has been valuable beyond words!”
~ Angelique Woodburn, Australia
“My mom is going through end-of-life stages now. Actually your book and video series really did make us feel more comforted. It was both comforting and affirming to listen to others recount their experiences with those that have passed. I also enjoyed your personal stories and recollections. Thank you - I hope you continue to reach out to comfort and reassure those that are frightened, anxious, or grieving; and to educate those that are curious. Warm Regards.”
~ Ellen Cusick, USA
“I cannot speak highly enough of Kelvin’s video conference series. All my life I’ve had psychic experiences and have not been able to share them with anyone. I think Kel’s sharing of his experiences is the most important work he could be doing. I came away with a feeling of not being all alone, but feeling that we’re all in this together and life is better than I thought.”
~ Harpo DeRoma, USA
6-part Series:
“Afterlife & Reincarnation Experiences:
Real or Imagined?”
NEXT SERIES ~ Starting on May 25, 2025 (& every other Sunday afterwards)
10:00 AM PDT (11 MDT, 12 CDT, 1 EDT, 6 PM London, 7 PM Paris)
Previews of the Series
This 6-session videoconference series with Kelvin Chin will be held LIVE every other Sunday.
Each session will be about 2 hours long.
And, each one will be recorded in case you miss a session.
The discussion will be interactive.
You will also be free to share your experiences.
Preparatory Homework
To get maximum benefit from these classes, it is suggested that you read Kelvin’s 3 books beforehand. He recommends that you read his first and third books first, since he later will be giving homework before each session during the 6-part series to read specific essays from his second book, “Marcus Aurelius Updated.”
Reading his first book, “Overcoming the Fear of Death,” can be done in one or two sittings. And his third book, “After the Afterlife,” is also an easy read.
All are available in both paperback and e-book, and the first two books are available in audiobooks.
in this 6-part series:
“Overcoming the Fear of Death: Through Each of the 4 Main Belief Systems”
“Marcus Aurelius Updated: 21st Century Meditations On Living Life”
“After the Afterlife: Memories of My Past Lives”
Community Worldwide
While Kelvin does not organize formal “thanatophobia support groups,” the effect of having people participate in this series from around the world, is that many find they have developed friendships and support systems outside of this series from having met those of “like-mindedness” in these classes. There is a definite sense of “community” fostered from these classes, where people feel comfortable sharing their fears as well as their positive spiritual experiences in a setting that is open, receptive and non-judgmental. It is a rich and nurturing learning environment.
What is Unique about this Afterlife series compared to those of other spiritual teachers?
Watch the following video of Kelvin Chin discussing some key Afterlife “principles” with a group of parents who have tragically lost their children to illness, accident, suicide and murder.
You will get a good sense of what separates Kelvin’s approach from others.
In the 6-part series, Kelvin dives much deeper into the principles discussed in this video, as well as many other principles, examples, and ideas.
More About the 6-part Series
Privacy Options: There are many clickable privacy options available if you wish to remain anonymous in asking questions or sharing experiences during the session. Or, you can call in from your phone anonymously.
Kelvin will talk first on each topic, sharing his experiences and views. His experiences are many and varied both this lifetime, and going back 6,000 years. See his bio.
This will be followed by Q&A and Comments from the attendees on the videoconference call. You can either call in from your phone, or watch and interact using the web connection on your laptop or tablet.
Topics discussed in the 6 sessions:
“What happens when we die?”
“Can we get glimpses of the other side? NDEs, OBEs, STEs?”
“Is Reincarnation in your future? ...or in your past?”
“Rewards & Punishment - Hell, Karma, Dharma & Sin”
“Can our friends & loved ones communicate from the Other Side?”
“What part of us continues after our body dies (mind, soul, something else)?”
If you have read Kelvin’s book “Overcoming the Fear of Death,” this series will focus on issues that arise from the 3rd and 4th Belief Systems in his book.
His third book “After the Afterlife: Memories of My Past Lives” describes how past life memories can resurface, how we can choose to come back and reincarnate (or not), how soul families and relationships can happen, and how we can plan ahead on the Other Side before we come back here again. And most importantly, the book explains what part of us continues from lifetime to lifetime, and how we can use this knowledge to improve the quality and enjoyment of our lives. Kelvin’s memories reach back 6,000 years and cover two dozen lifetimes.
BOOK THESE 6 SESSION DATES in your Calendar !!
Every other Sunday in U.S.
10:00 AM PDT
(11 AM MDT, 12 CDT, 1 PM EDT, 6 PM London, 7 PM Paris, 11 PM Bangladesh)
May 25
June 8
June 22
July 6
July 20
August 3
REGISTRATION FEE for all 6 sessions:
$150 for 1st time attendees
$50 for Alumni attendees
No one is turned away for financial reasons. Contact Kelvin if you need a scholarship, or
Make a donation of what you can afford when you click “Register Here” below.
You will receive an email with the Zoom Link and Call-In info for the sessions after you register.
If you register and miss a session, you may watch the recording later.
We are committed to helping you reduce your fears about death, dying and the Afterlife.
More Comments from Prior Attendees…
“Thank you Kelvin, I really enjoyed the video lectures on death and the afterlife! Never knew about death and dying as it wasn't discussed in my Jewish conservative background. The only thing I remember in my early single digit years was my brother sharing what he learned and my parents flipping out and changing synagogues. He shared: when we die the soul goes to heaven and our energy exists.
Additionally, from that experience it scared me and our family never talked about death and dying except religious traditions. I've been scared most of my life and recently became curious as my intuitive gifts surfaced and I always questioned what does it mean to be the chosen ones (Bible reference).
I now see myself as a light energy with a physical soul comfortable about my presence on earth and after life. Kelvin, our discussions make me want to even more connect with other energies. I know they exist and hope to learn meditations to further enhance my abilities. I also want to help others understand and become comfortable with themselves here and in crossing over, just like you! Thank you for being the light and gateway for our presence near and not so far!” ~ Sharon Infante
“I participated in Kelvin's six-session series “Afterlife & Reincarnation Experiences: Real or Imagined?” after reading his book, "Overcoming the Fear of Death", because I was fascinated with Kelvin's experiences, his understanding of death, dying, and its “aftermath.” I appreciated his measured and intelligent way of describing them, while also being unpretentious and very warm.
Kelvin has spent decades working with people and institutions, helping them overcome their fear of death, as well as opening himself up to broadening his own perceptions and understanding of what we see as a life and death cycle. His sensitivity to others has given him the opportunity to hear their stories, and further explore how different their experiences can be, thus adding to his library of information.
Each of the sessions in the series addressed an aspect of common beliefs, and challenged my own thinking. I thoroughly enjoyed Kelvin's presentations, and appreciated his encouraging us to participate with questions and sharing our own stories; this added another layer to the topic. It was interesting to hear what others have experienced, believe, or question about what we have been taught through our religious or cultural affiliations.
I feel fortunate to have taken part in the series. Kelvin is an extremely intelligent, articulate, and very approachable individual, one who values everyone he meets. He has introduced me to a broader understanding of death and dying, and I can honestly say that my views have expanded.
I encourage others to participate in these sessions, to bring open minds and hearts, and above all, to share with Kelvin and others their own stories. Thank you, Kelvin!” ~ marypaz
“I'm grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of the video series addressing life after death. It's been a pleasure listening to Kelvin and hearing about his personal experiences with loved ones who've crossed over. This video series confirms my own experiences and validates my own thoughts about the afterlife. I'm grateful to have learned that we are greeted by loved ones and that free will is in fact a reality on the other side. I had concerns about reincarnating with several toxic family members due to unfinished business. I was elated to learn that isn't the case unless I decide to experience another life with these people.
Thank you, Kelvin for sharing your light and gifts with the world. My life has been enriched just by knowing you. Thank you for teaching me and for being loving and supportive without judgement!”
~ Michele Haviland Goodwin