Afterlife Q&A Sessions
Kelvin Chin
Any topic is open for discussion
Open to everyone in the world, regardless of culture, religion or other spiritual beliefs
All are welcomedTo help clarify our thinking about the Afterlife
What happens after we biologically die?
Where do we go?
What can we do?
Whom can we see?
What happens after that?
And more…
Bring all your questions about the Afterlife
Kelvin will introduce a topic, then open up the Q&A to discuss any other questions you may have.
Who is Kelvin Chin?
Kelvin Chin learned to meditate in his teens. When he was 21 years old, he had a Near-Death Experience (NDE) when he almost drowned. Meditation saved his life that day in the Pacific Ocean near San Diego.
His past life memories that reach back 6,000 years began resurfacing when he was in his 20s, and continue to teach him about himself and how our minds continue from lifetime to lifetime. In his 30s, he spontaneously opened up and began communicating with the Other Side — this has taught him that, while there are significant differences between here and there, the minds on that side are not as different from those on this side as one might think.
Kelvin teaches these Afterlife sessions based on what he has learned from all of this experiences in this current 20th-21st century lifetime, as well as the two dozen other lifetimes spanning 6,000 years that he recalls. He shares openly with his students, and welcomes all questions from his audiences. His goal is always to help increase clarity of understanding and reduce the widespread cognitive dissonance that seems to be so prevalent in many spiritual teachings worldwide.
Kelvin has students in over 60 countries. He is a graduate of Dartmouth, Yale and Boston College Law, and the Executive Director of the Overcoming the Fear of Death Foundation and Turning Within Foundation.
Next Afterlife Q&A Session
“Gurus, Gods and Kings:
Plausible Deniability for Humanity?”
Sunday, January 19, 2025
10 AM PST (1 EST)
In the 30th November talk given in 2014, members of the Movement (spiritual leaders on the Other Side from the Judeo-Christian-Islamic-Vedic traditions) revealed their reasoning behind certain concepts shared with mankind over the past 10,000 years, and offered suggestions for thinking about these ideas differently. (See for the talk)
One such concept they suggested needing to be discarded was the Guru-Divinity idea.
On January 19th, Kelvin will discuss why this idea has created problems for humanity, and retarded our growth in all areas, not just spiritually.
The talk will be followed by a Q&A where the audience can ask Kelvin ANY questions about the Afterlife, whether about this session's topic or not.
To Register
Pay the Registration Fee
To Pay the Registration Fee
The registration fee for each 2-hour session is $30.
If you cannot afford this fee, feel free to make a donation of a lesser amount to support our nonprofit’s teaching efforts by clicking on the “Donate” button on the menu bar on this website. You may still attend this session by filling out the above form. No one is turned away for financial reasons.
To read summaries or reviews of kelvin’s 3 books
that explain in detail ideas & principles
discussed in these afterlife Q&A sessions
“Overcoming the Fear of Death: Through Each of the 4 Main Belief Systems”
“Marcus Aurelius Updated: 21st Century Meditations On Living Life”
“After the Afterlife: Memories of My Past Lives”
To further your education and knowledge about the Afterlife, explore these other ways to work with kelvin:
To Watch Past Sessions
From 2022-2024
on Kelvin’s YouTube Channel
The 30th November 2014 Talk
On the 30th November in 2014, a talk was delivered by George Hammond in Alexandria, Virginia.
That 2014 talk was based on information received from the group of spiritual leaders who started the Judeo-Christian-Islamic-Vedic traditions on Earth about 7-10,000 years ago.
Kelvin organized the 2014 event in Virginia and discusses it on several videos on his YouTube channel, @KelvinChinTurningWithin.
Some of the topics discussed in 2014:
Why did Jehovah send prophets to Earth in the Old Testament?
What was the original “plan” 10,000 years ago?
What group of spiritual leaders thought up these plans?
Why did Jesus incarnate on Earth?
Who created the ideas of karma and dharma? And why?
Introduction to the 30th November Talk
To introduce you to the 30th November talk, we suggest that you first read Kelvin’s short letter which will give you a good context for the 3-hour talk itself. There are also two other letters, written by George Hammond and John Moore, which also give context for other messages on the website besides the actual 30th November talk itself.
Click on the below image to read the letters.