“Live” Q&A
open forum from 2022-2024
Led by Kelvin Chin
on the Afterlife & topics from
“30th November:
The Creators of Four Religions Explain Why”
watch this 10-minute “introduction” clip before you watch the first session
To further your education and knowledge about the Afterlife, consider these classes:
To read about or purchase kelvin’s 3 books mentioned in the above Introductory video:
“Overcoming the Fear of Death: Through Each of the 4 Main Belief Systems”
“Marcus Aurelius Updated: 21st Century Meditations On Living Life”
“After the Afterlife: Memories of My Past Lives”
Watch past sessions
Kelvin Chin, Life After Life Expert, led from 2022-2024 special monthly Q&A sessions on various topics on the Afterlife, including topics from the 30th November talk that was delivered by George Hammond on 30th November 2014 in Alexandria, Virginia. Sessions are free. Open forum style facilitated by Kelvin. Bring your questions.
That 2014 talk was based on information received from the spiritual leaders who started the Judeo-Christian-Islamic-Vedic traditions on Earth about 7-10,000 years ago.
Kelvin organized the 2014 event in Virginia and discusses it on several videos on his YouTube channel, @KelvinChinTurningWithin.
Some of the topics discussed in 2014:
Why did Jehovah send prophets to Earth in the Old Testament?
What was the original “plan” 10,000 years ago?
What group of spiritual leaders thought up these plans?
Why did Jesus incarnate on Earth?
Who created the ideas of karma and dharma? And why?
Introduction to the 30th November Talk
To introduce you to the 30th November talk, I suggest that you first read my short letter which will give you a good context for the 3-hour talk itself. There are also two other letters, written by George Hammond and John Moore, which also give context for other messages on the website besides the actual 30th November talk itself.