“Earth — a Planet of False Hopes, Dreams & Expectations”

Earth — a Planet of False Hopes, Dreams & Expectations 

by Kelvin Chin
Life After Life Expert

We live on a planet 🌏 inhabited by humans who are addicted to being inspired. But who have little interest in taking the actions required to fulfill those hopes, dreams and expectations that inspire them. 

Why is that?

I wonder if it’s because we are so enamored by those who are enthusiastic about (whatever)(fill in the blank...religion, politics, education, finance, family, whatever) that we stop 🛑 there at the sight of enthusiasm. And promptly follow whatever has initiated that enthusiasm.

Why? Because it feels good! 

Right? It “feels good” to be enthusiastic. To be inspired. 

But is it wise to stop 🛑 there and just follow the enthusiastic throng?

I think not. 

There are many examples throughout history where the enthusiastic throng was proven to be on the “wrong side of history” — the 1919 Treaty of Versailles that arguably led to the creation of Nazi Germany, 1930’s Germany and its nationalist fervor, religious oppression of the Holy Inquisition in the 1200’s, Mao and his Cultural Revolution that killed 3 million and persecuted 100 million, and slavery for millennia as a means of maximizing business profit. 

What they all have in common was that the masses — or enough of the masses in those regions — were enthusiastic in their support of whatever. 

What was lacking was any forethought about what seen and unintended consequences would likely result from those actions. 

What was missing?

Rational thought. 

The problem with rational thinking is that it’s not “sexy.” It doesn’t give you an immediate thrill. It doesn’t make you tingle like “enthusiasm” does — even if the enthusiasm is misplaced. 

But I have found that thinking rationally — asking “does it make sense?” — has brought about more long lasting happiness for me than merely following the latest hope, dream or expectation driving the most recent enthusiastic reaction from the pedestrian on the street. 

Sure, it’s not as flashy and tingly. But my happiness — my long term happiness and inner contentment — is worth more to me than some fleeting “feel-good” experience based on some unfounded hope, dream or expectation created by someone or some group I don’t know. 

And while we’re on the subject of rationally assessing our decision making and sources of enthusiasm and inspiration, let’s address some of our friends on the Other Side. 

Angels — especially the ones who have charged themselves with looking after 🌍 Earth’s inhabitants —  are doing no one but themselves a favor by promoting enthusiastic thinking about the false belief that the world 🌎 will be enlightened overnight, that some “Renaissance” is coming to Earth “soon....”

First, this popular spiritual myth violates the principle of Free Will.
No angel or “god” can force someone to be loving if they don’t want to be. 

And second, do the psychics, mediums and spiritual teachers channeling this message from their sources on the Other Side not read history? Do they not know that angels and others over “there” have been saying this for millennia?

And...uh-hem. Has the world 🌎 in 2020 become that “enlightened” planet after all those thousands of years of similar “predictions”?

Do those claims even pass the “common sense” test?

I am here to inspire. But I choose to inspire through realism and idealism. Not merely through the latter alone. 

Because my experience over the past several thousand years watching so many — who have been enthusiastic and inspired, only to later become dejected and depressed when they don’t see the turnaround as quickly as their hopes, dreams and expectations had led them to believe — has taught me we need to take the “long view” on helping our fellowship of humankind to progress and develop. 

Let’s assume humans have been on Earth 🌍 for 400,000 years, give or take a few years. We have definitely progressed and become less cruel. But look how long it has taken for that limited but noticeable degree of progress to take hold in our cultures worldwide. And even then, there is still so much more to be done in reducing cruelty on our planet. 

So can we and should we continue to work as helpers of our planet — on cruelty, climate change, inequality — yes, absolutely. But we need to take the long view and not be discouraged if the successes we hope for do not materialize as fast or in the manner we expect. 

Kelvin H. Chin is a Meditation Teacher, Life After Life Expert, and Author of “Overcoming the Fear of Death,” “Marcus Aurelius Updated: 21st Century Meditations On Living Life” and “After the Afterlife: Memories of My Past Lives.” He learned to meditate at age 19, and has been teaching Turning Within Meditation and coaching others in their self-growth for 40 years. He helps people understand their life challenges through their individual belief systems, and helps them find their own solutions. His past life memories reach back many centuries, and he accesses those memories in his teaching and his coaching in the same way all coaches draw on their own available experiences for perspective and effective analogies. He can be reached at www.TurningWithin.org.