“It’s on you”
By Kelvin H. Chin
Life After Life Expert
Have you ever found yourself wondering why you are here on planet Earth? Why did you come here? Why did you choose to come here?
Yes, you had a choice.
When you were on the Other Side, you chose to come here. Nobody made you come here. Somebody may have suggested that you come here. But nobody forced you to come here. It was your choice.
And when I say choice, understand that “choosing“ can be a very subtle thing. Just “desiring“ something is making a choice to have that thing. Have you ever noticed how just desiring something tends to move your mind in that direction?
That is how subtle choice can be.
So just “desiring“ or “really missing and wanting“ that soft serve ice cream while you are on the Other Side could have been enough to push you down the proverbial “chute“ to be born on this planet once again.
And if choice can be that subtle, then choice could definitely be involved in the desire to have a certain family or friend or work relationship with somebody while you are on the Other Side, desiring it to manifest in physical form, in physical bodies, here on Earth. So there are many reasons why someone may choose to come back here. From the very subtle desiring to the very clear and conscious act of planning to make something happen.
So don’t blame God, or the gods, or karma or some other invisible force for why you are here. On some level, whether a subconscious desiring, or whether a very conscious act of wanting to manifest something or perhaps a relationship, you chose to be here.
I suggest we stop blaming somebody else — and instead understand and take ownership. The reward will be greater inner peace and a calmer state of mind.
Another area that I think we need to understand better and take more ownership of is the area of other people’s choices. What do I mean by that?
We do not control other people‘s choices. We may not like what they choose to do in life, but we cannot control them or their choices.
So another gentle reminder to all of us, myself included, is that when we are on the Other Side and we choose to come back here, we may need to remind ourselves that whether on this side or the Other Side, each mind makes their own choices on how they live their lives. And while the choices that someone may make on the Other Side, may seem to impact us less because we don’t have a biological physical body over there, I think the reminding may need to be more for us over here who tend to be more prone to manipulating, and yes, even physically hurting others who disagree with us.
Because we chose to come here. And we either knew or should have known that each mind has its own ability to choose, make life choices, live its life the way it wants to live its life. And if we have forgotten that is the case, it’s on us. It’s not on them to change who they are in order to make us happy.
Instead, it’s on us to understand that dynamic. That each mind has the Free Will to choose whatever it wants to choose at any moment in life. And that no one can really change that mind from making that decision other than that mind alone. No one can control fully another mind.
If we have somehow forgotten this basic principle, and because we may have forgotten this basic principle, we’ve gotten frustrated or even angry in how we are living our life here on planet Earth, then it’s not anybody else’s fault — not God, not the gods, not karma or some other invisible force, not anything else. It’s on us for having forgotten.
So just a gentle reminder to us all to remember.
Because in the end, it’s all on us.
Kelvin H. Chin is a Meditation Teacher, Life After Life Expert, and Author of “Overcoming the Fear of Death,” “Marcus Aurelius Updated: 21st Century Meditations On Living Life” and “After the Afterlife: Memories of My Past Lives.” He learned to meditate at age 19, and has been teaching Turning Within Meditation and coaching others in their self-growth for 50 years. He helps people understand their life challenges through their individual belief systems, and helps them find their own solutions. His past life memories reach back many centuries, and he accesses those memories in his teaching and his coaching in the same way all coaches draw on their own available experiences for perspective and effective analogies. He can be reached at www.TurningWithin.org.