“Angels & Fear”

“Angels & Fear”

by Kelvin Chin
Life After Life Expert

There seems to be increased activity among some angels on the “Other Side” whenever a perceived crisis happens on planet Earth. Whether that be a World War, the end of a millennium or even the end of a century — 1699, 1799, 1899, 1999.

Now, it seems to be COVID-19, which should not be a surprise. After all, it is a global pandemic affecting all humans on planet Earth.

For those who pay attention to such things historically, they tend to be “ripe” for concocting messages around those events which supposedly predict the “end of life on planet Earth” (the same thing happened when AIDS was first identified in the 1980’s).

Impending apocalypses are routinely aimed at provoking fear among those humans prone to being fearful — which unfortunately is most of us! 

Now, 7.6 billion people.

And my observation is that many tend to use that hotbed of fear to promote ideas that are often self-serving. That includes minds on this side AND minds on the Other Side — yes, including some angels.

By the way, do not assume any being on the Other Side knows more than you do. Not necessarily so. Some may. But the fact they are a “light being” is meaningless when assessing that mind’s wisdom — after all when we die, it becomes clear we ALL are light beings. Think about that.

As many of you know, my work over the millennia and now again this lifetime is to reduce fear in the world, especially but not limited to the fear of death. That said, my goal is always to help people live their lives more fully in the present, regardless of their beliefs about death or dying — cultural or religious — and whether they believe in an “afterlife” (the Other Side), or not.

In addition, I take a rational approach toward looking at life. And that includes a rational, logical approach towards interpreting any experience we may have. That rational way of analyzing life has served me well in developing understandings that are cognitively consistent, not cognitively dissonant. And that has been the foundation of my happiness over the millennia.

So, I have a few thoughts about the current messages that seem to be floating about the social media airwaves on 2020 planet Earth.

Messages in Dreams or Other Visions

There seems to be an uptick in messages purportedly from the Other Side that portend a dire, almost cataclysmic future in the coming months and years. Keep in mind — these messages ALWAYS seems to happen when there are crises on Earth.

Such messages may come in the form of lucid dreams, visions or messages through psychics or other mediums. They can be visual, audio, telepathic or in some other form of communication, e.g., symbology, etc.

As I mentioned, I had messages from the Other Side come to me in 1986 about how quickly humankind needed to move more positively, otherwise…. For some reason, an inherent threat always seems to be included in that sort of fear message. 

And of course, the messages always have enough “general truth” in them to be considered accurate in hindsight, even if their overall specific message ends up being false (“mass chaos with foreign armies in the streets,” etc.).

Sources of the Messages

These messages from the Other Side can come from various sources. 

All of these sources are technically “light beings” because everyone and everything is made of light — in fact, that is true whether we are talking about on this side OR the Other Side. Sometimes we may perceive it in this way. Other times we may not. However, fundamentally, we are all “light beings.”

I think confusion often arises when someone experiences a communication from the Other Side, and forgets that fact.

Sometimes they are from dead relatives or loved ones, and they usually tell us so — and most importantly, we recognize their personalities so we have some external evidence of who they say they are even though they may appear to us as a “light being” — perhaps even in a bodily form we may recognize or simply an orb of light, etc.

Other times they may come from “light beings” we don’t personally recognize. This is when people typically jump to conclusions.

The most common interpretation of these “light being” experiences is almost always filtered through that person’s religious or cultural beliefs. So if someone is a believer in God, they typically interpret that “being” as “God.” That is the most common default. 

Sometimes they may instead call the “light being” a spiritual being they worship or respect — Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, or Archangel Michael, or perhaps some other entity they are familiar with.

And finally, if that person has already had some Other Side communications with a dead loved one or friend whose personality they recognize from “this side” prior to their physical biological death, then they may know that the “light being” is most likely that old friend.

You get the idea.

The person filters it through their own mind and bases it on their past experience having known the person, or if not, then on their belief system.

So, what’s my point?

When you hear a psychic or preacher say the message they are telling you is from “God,” “an archangel,” or whomever, don’t blindly believe them. Even if they ardently believe it themselves. 

Belief does not mean truth.

Content of the Messages — Predictions?

Whenever you hear someone say they are “prophesying” something, or that they can foretell the future, BE SUSPECT of everything they are saying.


Because anything that smells of “predicting the future” violates the fundamental universal principle of Free Will. 

Free Will means we have personal choices we each can make. And because of the 7.6 billion human minds on Earth (and that’s not counting all the dogs, cats, horses, etc. who also influence our choices), no “future” can be predicted with certainty. 

If anyone claims to predict the future with certainty, you know they either 1) don’t know what they are talking about, or 2) have a hidden agenda and are trying to fool you into following them. Either way flags someone not to be trusted.

The future is based on the continual present. And our present is obviously based on many choices that not only each of us is making, but also all of the other free-will thinking minds on Earth.

We each INFLUENCE each other. We do NOT control each other. But we do affect each other’s choices. Therefore, nothing can be predicted with certainty.

Yes, we can predict with some level of “probability” — the likelihood that something will happen. But never with certainty.

So, can someone get a message from this side or the Other Side saying that things on Earth may get messy in the coming months. Sure! But it would not take a rocket scientist — never mind a psychic or someone on the Other Side — to tell us that. The probabilities of it getting messy are obvious.

Do not buy into the fear inherent in that message.

That is what they WANT you to do.

Why, you may ask?

Angels’ Agenda

First, for those of you who don’t know, I started having communications with the Other Side in 1986 — it happened spontaneously when I was meditating, which is why I am a strong proponent of meditating if you want to open up to your own mind’s vastness as well as the vastness of the rest of the universe. 

The initial communications were with angels and archangels. I long ago in the late 1980’s found that they were more interested in my promoting their angelic beliefs on Earth than helping me with my own personal self-realization, so we each moved on. But I learned a lot from those two years communicating with them.

Why would angels want to convince humans that the Earth is in danger?

My experience is they have minds just like we all do. And as such, they have desires and emotions — hopes, dreams and expectations. Sometimes that comes with an agenda. Maybe even a hidden agenda.

First of all, understand that the angelic realm is not monolithic. That means they — like us — do not all believe the same thing. For example, the cadré of angels who hang out with me now are more “independent thinkers” — they tend to have their own ideas and beliefs about things, and are not followers of the masses of angels. 

Did I say “masses” of angels? Yes.

Just like on Earth, there are “the masses.” What does that term mean?

Well, think about it. It’s no different than here where you and I live — on Earth. There is the way most of the human population live and think, and we call that “the masses.” On the Other Side where angels live, there are also the masses, where most of them think and believe more or less similarly.

I would say most of the angels are there to help humans move forward in a more positive direction. However, might there be other angels who have less altruistic intentions?

Sure. Like I said, they are minds just like we are.

Why Would an Angel Promote Fear?

Let’s say an angel was promoting a fearful message of “the future” through a preacher or psychic. What would be the self-interest for an angel to do that?


Followers to add to their flock on the Other Side. If you have that as your goal, why not start recruiting those potential followers while they are still on Earth? And while you are at it, why not create dependence on those angels as the “spiritual leaders” who can guide you away from the fearful situation they are predicting.

That is the hallmark of any religious cult — develop dependency among the followers on the leader or leadership. Suppress independent thinking. But make it all about “helping” the followers move along their spiritual path.

Understand that historically, this is exactly what Paul, also known as “Saul of Tarsus,” did 2,000 years ago after Jesus was murdered. 

Religious historians who have read Paul’s original letters in Greek all agree that Paul was a promoter of the apocalypse — he was preaching that the “end of the world” was going to happen “within 6 weeks.” He openly discouraged people from buying property or marrying, and instead told them they should be blindly following him and the belief he created, so they would be rewarded by skipping to the front of the line to get into heaven.

Lots of people signed up. Many still are.

My suggestion: don’t be fooled by that well-worn, commonly-used spiritual recruitment song:

“Be afraid, be afraid.
Follow me, follow me.
I will save you, I will save you.”

What song is that? I don’t know. I just made it up. But you get the idea.

You have seen it sung before over the millennia, I am sure.

Alternative Choice

Instead, how about choosing to “follow yourself”?

Why not trust yourself — do what you can to strengthen yourself by “turning within.” The “inside out” approach.

Don’t always look to others and blindly do whatever they say — do what makes sense to you.

And if you do choose to listen to a psychic or preacher, I suggest that you still ask yourself whether what they say makes sense. Does it pass the “common sense” test?

Moreover, even if you do believe their predictions about dire things happening in your near future, why follow their advice to hoard food and buy guns? Doesn’t that sound like a fear-based approach to life?

“Build a fort. And defend it.” Really?

How about instead inspiring others to find solutions to problems that have existed for hundreds of thousands of years among human beings?

Are you helping solve the problems? Or are you simply adding fuel to the fire of fear?

Judge Their Behavior

My advice is to always judge others by their behavior. Not by what they say they are going to do. But what they actually do.

Ask yourself — is the psychic, spiritual leader or angel who says they are “not promoting fear but are here to help humankind on Earth” walking their talk? Do their words match their actions?

If you find they do not, then find a different source of advice.

Kelvin H. Chin is a Meditation Teacher, Life After Life Expert, and Author of “Overcoming the Fear of Death,” “Marcus Aurelius Updated: 21st Century Meditations On Living Life” and “After the Afterlife: Memories of My Past Lives.” He learned to meditate at age 19, and has been teaching Turning Within Meditation and coaching others in their self-growth for 40 years. He helps people understand their life challenges through their individual belief systems, and helps them find their own solutions. His past life memories reach back many centuries, and he accesses those memories in his teaching and his coaching in the same way all coaches draw on their own available experiences for perspective and effective analogies. He can be reached at www.TurningWithin.org.