“The Power of Love”

“The Power of Love”

by Kelvin Chin
Life After Life Expert

I teach people how to overcome their fears. About death. And about uncertainty. 

Along with overcoming those fears comes greater self-acceptance. More love. Love for oneself. 

Jesus taught that “love” means “accepting the other person for who they are, not who you wish they were, or think they should be.” But can we apply that same principle to ourselves? I think so. 

Accepting ourselves for who we each are — including all our quirks and imperfections. Not who we wish we were. I think we each can apply that individually. Each in our own unique personal ways. 

That is actual self-acceptance. True self-love. 

As you may also know, I work in the field of Afterlife education as well. I often hear stories of people who have had NDEs, “near-death experiences.” And a common theme in their recounting of their experiences is that they feel “more love than they’ve ever felt before.”

I have sometimes wondered how much that intense perceived degree of love, i.e., acceptance, is directly related to the lack of love they have felt from others — their parents, spouses, friends — before their NDE. Or even lack of self-acceptance within themselves. 

So I thought about the “power of love” in the context of NDEs. 

What if one was so loved and accepted — most importantly by one’s own self — before one had the NDE? Could we imagine what that experience of the Afterlife might be like then?

Perhaps it would be less shocking. Due to less contrast.

Coming already from a “place” or a state of being of profound self-acceptance perhaps the transition would simply be a smooth and easy one. Without the gasps and the wows that often accompany such typically high contrast experiences. 

And what would that have meant if that were to hypothetically take place?

It would have meant that that person had “turned within” consistently and over a long enough period to become so comfortable with herself that she was pretty much in a state of self-acceptances, or love, most of the time. 

And what would that give rise to?

A very happy life. A fulfilled life. Now. Here on Earth 🌎. Long before transitioning to the Other Side. 

So why wait? Why not start now?

Kelvin H. Chin is a Meditation Teacher, Life After Life Expert, and Author of “Overcoming the Fear of Death,” “Marcus Aurelius Updated: 21st Century Meditations On Living Life” and “After the Afterlife: Memories of My Past Lives.” He learned to meditate at age 19, and has been teaching Turning Within Meditation and coaching others in their self-growth for 40 years. He helps people understand their life challenges through their individual belief systems, and helps them find their own solutions. His past life memories reach back many centuries, and he accesses those memories in his teaching and his coaching in the same way all coaches draw on their own available experiences for perspective and effective analogies. He can be reached at www.TurningWithin.org.